Georeferenced Imagery Raster files that are compatible with most common GIS softwares

  • GeoTIFF High quality image at up to 300k x 300k.
  • DEM (DSM) GeoTIFF High quality image at 1/4 of GeoTIFF resolution. 32-bit elevations with NODATA.
  • Colorized DEM GeoTIFF High quality image at 1/4 of GeoTIFF resolution.
  • NDVI GeoTIFF High quality image at 1/2 of GeoTIFF resolution. Customizable color mapping. Red or Blue filtered input images.

Standard Imagery Image files that are suitable for printing or manual GIS work

  • Tiff High quality image at up to 300k x 300k.
  • JPG Compressed image at up to 300k x 300k.
  • Colorized DEM JPG Compressed image at 1/4 of GeoTIFF resolution.
  • NDVI JPG Compressed image at 1/2 of GeoTIFF resolution.

Sharable Web Links Standard web links to share your work with colleagues while still controlling the privacy

  • URL to Stitched Tile Layer For use in a user's own custom maps.
  • URL to Colorized DEM Tile Layer For use in a user's own custom maps.
  • URL to NDVI Tile Layer For use in a user's own custom maps.

Website Data iFrame embed codes to put the data we create into your own site

  • Map iFrame Embed Code Embed the map with all associated layers on any site.
  • 3D Model iFrame Embed Code Embed the 3D Model preview on any site.

Advanced 3D Outputs Make 3D measurements and view the data in 3rd party software

  • Textured 3D Model OBJ, MTL and JPG texture files. Dimensions in meters. (Opt In Only)
  • Textured 3D Model (small) 100k face version of the OBJ, MTL and JPG texture files. Point cloud information is in the OBJ file. Dimensions in meters.
  • Point Cloud XYZ RGB and LAS outputs for compatiblity with CAD and GIS software. (Opt In Only)
  • 3D KMZ 250k face Google Earth and SketchUp compatible 3D model.